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Knife Skills: Dice

Unlike informal chopping, dicing is a precise cut that results in perfectly uniform pieces.

  How To Knife Skills: Dice 1. Trim the item to be diced into a straight-sided cube or block. (Reserve trimmings for another use—they’re often great for soup.)  
  How To Knife Skills: Dice 2. Hold the block in place with your left (or non-slicing) hand. Curl your fingers under to hold the food securely while protecting your fingertips from cuts.  
  How To Knife Skills: Dice 3. Using correct slicing technique, cut the block into uniform slices that are the desired thickness of your finished dice. For instance, 1/4-inch dice begin with 1/4-inch slices.  
  How To Knife Skills: Dice 4. Stack the slices, hold the stack in place, and cut through—again to the desired dimension—to produce uniform matchsticks.  
  How To Knife Skills: Dice 5. Stack the matchsticks, hold them in place, and slice through once again to form dice.