Beyond Wonderful
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Make Tamarind Water

Tamarind is an edible, 4-5-inch pod-like fruit used by cooks around the world in curries, sauces, candies, and drinks. Filled with sour pulp and seeds, the fruit is dried and processed into blocks, paste, powder, and syrup.  Locate tamarind in ethnic grocery stores and e-stores such as

Make tamarind water by soaking the dried bars of the fruit in water until you have a deep brown, gooey, mud-like liquid. Strain the water and use in your recipe.

  1. Remove the wrapper from the tamarind blocks.  

2. Break the tamarind bar in to small pieces and place them in a spacious bowl of water. Soak for 3–4 hours until soft and pliable.

Precise amounts depend on your recipe.


3. Use your clean hands to pull out the large pieces of fibrous debris and seeds from the tamarind pulp and water.


4. Pour the remaining pulp and water in to a mesh strainer set over a spacious bowl. Work as much of the pulp through the strainer as possible.

Discard all of the remaining debris.


5. Use a spoon to remove the pulp from the back of the strainer and place it in the tamarind water. Mix well.

Measure the amount of tamarind water that you require for your recipe. Refrigerate any remaining water in an air-tight container for several days.




Barbara Adams Beyond Wonderful
How To Cooking Tips and Techniques.