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Unmold a Cake From a Springform Pan

You’ve produced a masterpiece. Now how do you get it out of the pan without breaking it to bits? First, let the cake cool thoroughly. Then follow these simple steps.

  How To Unmold Your Cake From a Springform Pan. Learn to bake cakes. 1. Insert a knife between the cake and springform pan. Gently run it around to separate the cake from the sides of the pan.  
  How To Unmold Your Cake From a Springform Pan. Learn to bake cakes. 2. Open the latch.  
  How To Unmold Your Cake From a Springform Pan. Learn to bake cakes.

3. Extend the latch so that the sides of the pan separate from the cake. If any part of the cake sticks, use a knife to work it free.

  How To Unmold Your Cake From a Springform Pan. Learn to bake cakes. 4. Lift the cake free.  
  How To Unmold Your Cake From a Springform Pan. Learn to bake cakes. 5. Using both hands, gently lift the cake upward around the edges to loosen it from the bottom of the pan.  

6. Hold the upside-down cake in one hand while using the other to remove the pan bottom.

Note: When removing softer creations such as a mousse pie, use a plate or other flat surface instead of your hand to support the cake.

  8. Gently peel away the parchment paper, then invert the cake once more onto the other hand. (Again, use a flat plate or other sturdy support if needed.)  
  9. Gently ease the cake onto a serving platter.