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Separate Egg Yokes and Whites

The more you cook, the more you'll find recipes that specify either egg yolks or whites. This easy technique is quick and stress-free, in that you won't ruin your entire batch of whites with fatty yolk, or get frustrated trying to retrieve a small piece of shell.

Note that egg yolks and any grease on your utensils or bowls will prevent whites from whipping. Wash everything in hot soapy water and take a half lemon and rub it on the interior of the bowl used for collecting the whites.



  How To Separate Egg Yolks and Whites. Learn to bake.

1. Set-out three small bowls—one each for collecting the whites and yolks—and one for cracking and separating each egg. This process lets you keep bits of fatty yolk from your main collection of whites, and remove small pieces of shell.



  How To Separate Egg Yolks and Whites. Learn to bake.

2. Crack the egg on the side of the bowl and pull it apart with your thumb. Let the white slip through you fingers to the bowl below. If there are no pieces of yolk or shell, add them to the collective whites bowl. If contaminated with yolk, discard the egg or use it in another recipe. Do not pour in your whites bowl.

  How To Separate Egg Yolks and Whites. Learn to bake. 3. Place the egg yolk in its designated bowl.  
  How To Separate Egg Yolks and Whites. Learn to bake. 4. Remove bits of shell easily from one egg rather that playing tag with it in a bowl with multiple eggs.