The Amazing
Erupting Volcano Cake
Lava Sugar for the Candy Shards

Working with hot sugar requires caution and precision timing, but these spectacular lava “flames” are well worth the effort when it comes to constructing the Amazing Erupting Volcano Cake.


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1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup corn syrup
1/4 cup warm water
~ cinnamon flavoring (if desired)
~ red food coloring

Note: This stuff is smoking hot so be very, very careful. Always have a bowl of ice water close by for immersing your hand if it accidentally touches the hot sugar.

  1. Line two baking sheets with aluminum foil.
  1. In a heavy-bottomed saucepan combine the sugar, corn syrup and water.
  1. Bring to a boil and heat until the mixture reaches the hard crack stage (300ºF).
  1. Remove from the heat and carefully pour a small circle of sugar onto one of the prepared pans.
  1. Use a toothpick to quickly stir in the blue food coloring, creating the “lake.”
  1. Carefully and quickly stir the red food coloring and cinnamon flavoring into remaining sugar and pour freeform rivulets of “lava” onto second foil-lined pan. (See picture.)
  1. Allow to cool completely before touching.



Preparation Time: 
Approximately 15 minutes plus cooling time.